Natural Bioenergetics
Corrections & Coaching for the Human Soul
NB Instructor
Foundations of
Natural Bioenergetics
Next Class: IN PERSON June 11,12 2024
Self Care, Family Care, or Career?
Become your own self care professional with the easily learned skill of muscle response monitoring. Natural Bioenergetics allows you to take control of your healthcare and do it with confidence.
Access your built-in monitoring system and apply skilled questioning techniques to receive answers through your own biofeedback system.
People speak daily of ways in which the current medical system is failing them. Doctors are becoming harder to access and people feel like they are falling through increasingly bigger cracks. Many are urged to be responsible for their own healthcare, but they hardly know where to start.
Natural Bioenergetics exists to fill in some of the cracks by teaching people how to care for themselves with easily learned techniques that allow them to address health issues at the source of the problem, not just deal with symptoms. The beauty of the NB conceptual framework is that it helps you evaluate a complex personal issue and find the simplest and most efficient program for long-term health.
Learning to muscle test accurately empowers people to look after themselves with confidence and amazing results and minimizes the need for other professionals.
Being able to identify foods, drinks and other items before you use them so you can avoid unnecessary and uncomfortable reactions!
Calming down a food reaction until your body gets rid of the offending substance
Quickly restoring a sense of calm in the face of a multi-stress filled day.
Identifying and eliminating subconscious limiting beliefs and negative self talk that has plagued you all your life, in minutes
Discovering where the glitches are in your own matrix and restoring balance to the right circuits
Using your own built-in biofeedback system with confidence
Discovering the scientific theory that moves this from the realm of “woo woo” into the realm of verifiable methods and results.
This course is for the person who wants to take control of their wellbeing – on every level. Wellbeing is not merely physical, it is composed of and includes emotions, environment, relationships, psychology, and how you think. How you are doing in one area of your life will affect how you are doing in other areas of your life. Many people who have used Natural Bioenergetics methods are surprised at how quickly long-standing issues resolve once they address the source of the problem.
Dates and times: IN PERSON CLASS
in Prince George, BC
June 11,12 2024
Online courses over summer TBA
The electromagnetic system you were never taught in high school biology or your anatomy and physiology classes
Identifying and correcting broken circuits in that system
Muscle response monitoring -- easy ways to access your own built-in biofeedback system
How to disconnect the emotional connection from the higher reasoning function of the frontal brain so you can stop sabotaging yourself with limiting beliefs that are not true
Where to hold on your body to bring a sense of calm as you think through stressors that are throwing you off your game.
Precisely identify core issues instead of guessing what is troubling you.
Test foods and supplements and save yourself lots of money by never buying the wrong remedy again.
Save $150 when you buy Foundations and NB 1 Together or when you bundle NB 1, 2, & 3!
In Foundations of Natural Bioenergetics, you learned how to balance yourself and start testing foods and supplements and clearing stress from your body. In NB, you now learn how to apply this knowledge when working with others.
NB Levels 1 – 3 are designed to give students confidence in working with others and this level is suitable for the person interested in looking after family and friends and being able to perform electromagnetic “first aid” for basic health issues.
In NB 1 you will learn:
How to balance and use muscle response monitoring on another person
Three muscles to isolate and test and why this is important.
Working with the physical body’s priorities for healing on all levels.
A correction for the body’s bioenergy control system that clears long-standing inherited issues that were passed down to you from your parents and grand-parents.
Four psychological patterns corrections that free people from thought patterns that plague them or hold them in unhealthy ways of being.
Tapping procedures that correct and clear 80% of reactions to foods, animals, etc. and increase your ability to tolerate things that formerly afflicted you
Toning factors for your bioenergy system that refresh your energy and increase sharpness of mind.
Customize your own and another’s ideal work, play, sleep and rest schedules to maximize your life balance and function at your peak energy and performance levels.
Use proprietary tools that provide a slow and gentle correction to your body over time.
Scientific theory that undergirds this work
Proper notation for record-keeping. This allows you and your clients to track their progress and sets a standard for professional work should you decide to take your studies further. We help you build in a high level of work standards right from the start.
A new way of looking at health in the human body that is holistic in nature
The right kind of questions to ask
Some of the bonuses you will enjoy:
Access to the NB community through a private Signal account. This is a great place to connect with others on the same journey, trade sessions, ask questions, and receive encouragement from one another. Cheryl is also available to answer questions fairly quickly, as are senior students and other practitioners.
A once-a-month mentoring meeting where you share what you are learning and experiencing when you work on others, can ask questions. There is also bonus teaching done in this session that you won’t find anywhere else (and a lot of it is done extemporaneously based on questions that arise.)
Freedom to receive all the help you need to succeed at this. Cheryl is dedicated to your success. Her chief desire is to have people confidently use NB in their daily lives. The goal is to develop NB specialists and NB instructors in every province and state in Canada and the US and for families to have mastery over their own healthcare.
Certification with the Natural Bioenergetics Institute that lays the foundation for a career in NB should you wish to pursue it.
NB LEVEL 1 Dates for 2024: Starting September -- 10 weeks of 3 hour classes starting at 9 am Pacific time zone.
NB Level 2
January 2025*
NB 2
Introduced to the Ko Cycle – an important part of the energy system that is not usually addressed in other energy healing systems
Three new muscles to isolate and test
Organizing and Working with a client specified issue – when the client consciously has something they want worked on that can be outside of just physical issues – relationship problems, thought patterns, work stress, etc.
Clearing cell receptors that are blocked from allowing nutritional minerals , vitamins, water, lipids, and metabolic products to pass through and nourish cells and release toxic levels of substances for the body to offload safely.
Use the correct type of magnet and magnetic charge to correct electromagnetic fields that contribute to faulty metabolism, foggy heads and impaired intellectual function, inhibition of interaction between essential amino acids and non-essential amino acids, impaired healing, pain and phantom sensations, chemical sensitivities, disturbed rest, confusion between left and right, adverse reactions to magnetic or electrical fields or cause toxic overload.
Correct stuck energy in tissues that contribute to the inability of nutrients in to feed the tissue, release toxins, or which keeps inflammation and pain in place by restoring the normal flow of energy through the area.
Learn to identify and correct complex patterns of molecules that contribute to allergic reactions and in appropriate responses by the body. This includes correcting the body’s inability to read it’s own biochemicals properly, and techniques for accessing and collecting these substances.
Using specialized tools like Life Transformers and Essential Oils for supporting the electromagnetic system of the body after it has been corrected
Using adjunctives that support the corrections completed and which the client does at home as a commitment to their health and self-responsibility
An introduction to the use of non-toxic homeopathic cell salts for use in healing.